
A deadly silence

اللوحة للفنان النمساوي: Rudolf Ernst / رودولف إرنست
اللوحة للفنان النمساوي: Rudolf Ernst / رودولف إرنست

Haunts me
I feel it with all my senses
Very slowly
I fall asleep on a pillow
The wandering night
And I take from the moonlight
My first kiss …
Whenever I fall asleep
For a few seconds
I find stars scattered around me
And get closer to me
Little by little
To surround my body
With its ray …
Oh what this light
That the sky gave me
When it was silent
And oh my joy with it
In my exile and travel
From it I derive my survival
And my wishes
And strength I resist with it
My fatigue …
A flood of light
Falls asleep with me
May my soul remain
An immortal soul .

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