طيوب اللغات

Sitting on the swing in my backyard

من أعمال التشكيلية الليبية إسراء كركره
من أعمال التشكيلية الليبية إسراء كركره

On a clear, sunny day,
not just the shimmering pond
and the fragrant fruits,
hanging from my trees,
give me joy,
but also
other things
I see.

Huge, dark mountains of clouds
produce lights.
A wave pushes lovingly
a smaller wave.
A sweet river anxiously
hugs its twin
while animals happily
dance together
on a small spot in a dense forest.

Showered by clouds and
carried by waves,
I hugged the merging rivers,
and yes, I danced!
But these nanoseconds sadly
flew away.
An ant, creeping underfoot,
pushed me hard, found her way,
and waved with a big smile,
“Sorry! Blessed is your day!”

Published in τό τόпоς 2004, USA

مقالات ذات علاقة

The wave

سعد الأريل


زكري العزابي

Just a Tad

المشرف العام

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