طيوب اللغات

Yonis in the belly of the whale

الحوت (الصورة: عن الشبكة)
الحوت (الصورة: عن الشبكة)

 When the man threw himself in the middle of the sea, he had no choice in front of him, so he had no choice in accepting or rejecting. This is how a bet took place between him and his companions who had no salvation but to get rid of one of them to save the ship from sinking as a result of overloading, so the bet took place on (Yunus) Thus, the choice fell without a bet from him to be in the middle of the raging sea, tossed by the waves in the middle of a raging and unstable sea, to be picked up by a great whale in his stomach that he had no prior or remote perception, to be in the midst of a destiny that he did not consider to meet the same fate that he has no power over and there is no ability to avoid this incident, which had nothing to do with its existence.. The sea, the whale, and the ship are outcomes that were destined outside of him. and also, outside his imagination. All this universe with its a priori-determined assets did not contribute to his existence. Likewise, awareness of what was around him was not of his making. .. Thus, he was found in the middle of a place, where he found himself without choosing that from him, so that a great whale jumped towards him to swallow him into its stomach . He did not rise Yeh thought someday he’ll be in Belly of a whale He realized that the whale gropes for the existence around him and that his pursuit of the man is an object in the nature of his existence . The whale is an existential estimate of him . Every living creature around him seeks and does not stop seeking and touching the existence . As if the man did not stop from that the tragedy that surrounds him is that he is in the midst of this tragic existence, a continuous denial of the non-existence around us,  and the feeling of his exile in the belly of the whale. The man has realized that he is in the midst of a terrifying vortex while he is floundering in the middle of the whale’s belly and that the end is near for him. The man and the whale they met by chance, just as I found life moving existentially around him. The whale and the sea were two existential matters that have no definite definition. Thus, they existed. Thus, we are the same position that we stick to, as it has no ability to penetrate from the belly of the whale, and likewise we have no ability to penetrate existence. Thus, we found within the vortex of existence, and our knowledge remains It does not go beyond the limits of what was written against us and what was thrown towards it. And our knowledge remains surrounded by our capabilities that are limited by fate. Thus, we found ourselves in the midst of the vortex of existence that never ceases to exist. Our knowledge does not exceed the capacity of our predetermined existence, because we have the ability to explain what is above existence. .. This is the line of our existence around us because we are not the makers of our existence and we did not have a say in our destiny that all that wanders in our thoughts and our existence is: Who are we?? That absolute knowledge is outside us and touches our lives, and our existence remains a baffling mystery that we are unable to decipher. There is no awareness outside our perceptible perception of us. We are limited even to the interpretation of the life that is taking place around us, that existence and non-existence are the truth before us, as well as life and death, and we are not permanent in the existence around us, it remains short of our existential knowledge. The greatest mystery that terrifies our existence remains. That knowledge is beyond our awareness and is the greatest hell for our existence. We live in the great labyrinth that surrounds us from every side. Who are we? And what is this existence that surrounds us, remains the vague mystery around us. and we do not realize an answer to it. Our imagination and our thought do not depart from our existential perceptions that are in front of us. All our consciousness is related to the present existence. Everything related to the other existence lies in the cause and the effect. ,, And we do not deviate from the circle of existence in our definition of beings. We are unable to realize what the Creator is unless he touches our existence. There is no doubt that we live in a vortex of (agnosticism) as did the (weeping) and they are surrounded by the wall of the temple of (Athena) shedding tears for their existence surrounding them, who understood their destiny in existence.. There is nothing related to the tragedy except non-existence. The non-existence is the tragedy and it is the engine of our awareness. The tragedy of our thought is the agnosticism about the essence of existence. We are not much different from the tragedy of (Younes), as he could not escape from the belly of the whale, and we do not have the ability to access what is around us. We were thus found and resurrected without our will, and we remain ignorant of what is around us or the determination of our destiny. We live in a great void. We did not choose our existence. This is how we were created. Thus, we lived in absolute servitude. Oh, about our destiny except that we are one of the animals of existence that strives on this earth..

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