نشر الفنان التشكيلي “محمد بن لامين” على صفحته بموقع التواصل الاجتماع الفيسبوك:
نشكراً جزيلا للصديق الشاعر الأمريكي دينيس ماكهيل الذي كتب هذه القصيدة اليوم في رثاء الشاعر الليبي محمد الفقيه صالح الذي توفي أمس في مدريد وكان يقوم بسفارة بلده ليبيا هناك والقصيدة بعنوان: في ذكرى الأسد الليبي.
In Remembrance of a Libyan Lion:
Ambassador Mohamed Al-Faqih Saleh
by Dennis McHale
Your night has fallen;
the brilliant light
of the new moon
filtering through the
broken mass of clouds,
a brilliant ray reflecting
upon your tongue-kissed works.
Your words remains standing,
redeeming the world from darkness:
they seem to move and
we are filled with awee.
Your words were mountains;
iron-like masses thrown heavily
against the somber Libyan sky –
and as the dark blue deepens
into purple and purple-black
we reflect upon your works,
which were gurgling streams
of naked visceral truth
cutting through our consciousnesss.
One never thinks of velvet
when the light is cold and thin;
when snow lies deep
But your life was velvet in the
silver light of diplomacy
and we shall rememberr.