من أعمال التشكيلي الليبي القدافي الفاخري
طيوب اللغات

A prayer


 © Z. Azzabi


I raise an Orphean orison

To the soul of a horizon perdue

Long assassinated dream

In your extinguished eyes

Your derelict clothes on top of a table

Remind me of a past that has yet to come

I collapse, exhausted, and precipitate for hours on end

at a “Kafeneion”* half wiped table

Waiting for the despotic time to come and gather his H2O from all over my body

gather you, a handful of a watery dream.

to leave me, both of you as usual

Here in this nakedness

A hostage, to these boring “Kafeneia’’

Here in the emptiness of this hollow Athens


with the morrow burned down to ashes

in our inside

what does remain for us

save the dim lights of this town

the squalid and ugly shadows

in our eyes


* Traditional Greek coffee shop (pl. kafeneia)

مقالات ذات علاقة

Ways to Happiness

عبد يونس لافي (العراق)

Where are the imprisoned Palestinian writers?*

فراس حج محمد (فلسطين)


زكري العزابي

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