طيوب اللغات

The Augur

By: Mamoun zaidei

من أعمال الفنان محمد الشريف.

I’ve been born and raised in despotism.
nothing but my mother’s prayers
and obduracy, what kept away
premature death that
runs rampant around us.
adamant and Libyan,
always faltering but save,
I became a clairvoyant.
a tyranny teller of some kind,
who could foresee tyranny in anything?
for instance, in coffee, I see
the absolutism of caffeine.
In poetry,
the word “Otiose” is autocratic.
and in love,
time is the sole vanquisher.

So, what if
roses are nothing but a repudiated kisses,
the more radiant and splendid,
the more eager they were.
what if ..
leaves are eyewitnesses
verdant but silent.
and thorns symbolize the disincentive.
what if
rain were unanswered prayers
disguised and displaced.
what if
springs that run in the north
were tears shed in secret ,
of suffering that  heads south.
what  if  the winds that blew
in gloom were nothing
but the moans of heartache.

للاستماع للنص (هـــنــــــا)

مقالات ذات علاقة

On the Screen, Libyans Learned About Everything but Themselves

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Farha versus Tantura

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The journey of the Libyan novel through struggles and diversity

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